Meet the 𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem team

Lattice𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem is a scientific project started in 2023, and hosted at LaTTiCe (CNRS, École Normale Supérieure, Université Sorbonne nouvelle), a Paris-based research department specializing in theoretical and computational linguistics.

AFThe 𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem project is led by Alexandre François (Directeur de recherche at CNRS–LaTTiCe). Following his education in classical languages and Indo-European reconstruction, François works on historical linguistics, and applies the comparative method to Austronesian languages of the Pacific. In parallel, he has contributed to language typology, particularly lexical semantic typology – through his work on “colexification” and semantic maps (François 2008), “lexical tectonics” (François 2022), and “dialexification” (François & Kalyan, in prep.).

SK𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem was born out of an ongoing collaboration with Siva Kalyan (University of Queensland; Australian National University). Kalyan works on the modelling and visualization of complex linguistic data – both in language typology and in language change.

The database is also being built by three members of LaTTiCe:

MDMathieu Dehouck (Chargé de recherche at LaTTiCe),
a specialist of NLP and computational linguistics.
MPMartial Pastor, a computational engineer at LaTTiCe,
expert in NLP and data mining technologies.
DKDavid Kletz, a doctoral student in NLP at Université Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle,
affiliated both with LaTTiCe and with Laboratoire de linguistique formelle.

For any query regarding 𝓔𝓿𝓸Sem, feel free to contact We welcome any feedback, including offers for data corrections, or suggestions for improvement of our interface.