a a
aa particle
alë ale interjection
ag directional
ain ain adjective
aip aip noun
an an Tense Aspect Mood marker
ape apə noun
aquu akʷuː interjection
ar̄ aᶢʟ adverb
ar̄i aᶢʟi
asen̄wor̄ asəŋʷɔᶢʟ noun
asuve asʉβə noun
at1 at noun
at2 at adjective
(be) alive, live
ata~ ata- noun, relational
soul, spirit ‹of s.o.› as distinct from the body
N' atane tat vën wate Pënö.His soul won't reach the Other World.
atta atta adjective
remote, far away
N'ön̄we nome në atta pe atta!Your house is really far!
Tom ike on n̄is, ike ta sö o atta r̄ōw yö yame ie.If you want, you can paddle away on the ocean.
aukë aʉke
auu aʉː interjection
ave aβə interrogative
avi aβi verb, transitive
ay aj verb, intransitive
aye ajə noun
ayö ajɵ noun