ta ta
ta-ar̄ ta-aᶢʟ
taëm taem
taëtwë taetwe
tai tai
taie taiə
takē takɪ
take takə
taketimer̄ën takətiməᶢʟen
takit takit
taktake taktakə
tama tama
tamër̄ën tameᶢʟen
tamët tamet
tamer̄ën taməᶢʟen
tamer̄en taməᶢʟən
tamesō taməso
tamtamesō tamtaməso
tan̄wit taŋʷit
tan̄wöy taŋʷɵj
tan̄wuy taŋʷuj
tapego tapəɣɔ
taqe takʷə
tar̄ taᶢʟ
tar̄ake taᶢʟakə
tar̄e taᶢʟə
tar̄e-metave taᶢʟə-mətaβə
tar̄epëne taᶢʟəpenə
tar̄epē taᶢʟəpɪ
tar̄eptēye taᶢʟəptɪjə
tar̄otr̄ot taᶢʟɔtᶢʟɔt
tar̄ōgie taᶢʟoɣiə
tasë tase
tat tat
tatemave tatəmaβə strong noun
teta (?) ‘mother’ + mave ‘heavy > respectable’
📘 Counterpart terms are: r̄oqogë ‘daughter-in-law’, qiyige ‘son-in-law’.
tateqë tatəkʷe
tati tati
ta-togin ta-tɔɣin
taur̄ taʉᶢʟ
tavawō taβawo
tave taβə
tavesir̄ taβəsiᶢʟ
taviyegë taβijəɣe
tavot taβɔt
tavsat taβsat
tawiy tawij
tawuluk tawulʉk strong noun
1aunt: paternal aunt (FZ)
2aunt: wife of maternal uncle (MBW)
3hencemother-in-law: mother of o.'s spouse, when marrying o.'s cross-cousin
📘 If one marries their cross-cousin, the person they used to call “auntie” (tawuluk) is now preferably called “mother-in-law” (tatemave).
4rareniece: daughter of brother (fBD), daughter of husband's sister (fHZD)
📘 A more common usage is to call that person your “daughter” or “child” (megoye, keko). She can call her aunt tawuluk (“aunt”) or simply teta (“mother”).
tawye tawjə
tawyot tawjɔt
tay taj
tayër̄e tajeᶢʟə
taye tajə
tayö tajɵ
tayvi tajβi
tayvigë tajβiɣe
tëgë teɣe
tën ten
tëntën tenten
tën̄ teŋ
tën̄e teŋə
tëp tep
tëptëp teptep
tër̄ën̄ta teᶢʟeŋta
tër̄ö teᶢʟɵ
tër̄yë teᶢʟje
tër̄yë-ke teᶢʟje-kə
tëur̄ie teʉᶢʟiə
tëwetëwe tewətewə
tëwör̄ie tewɵᶢʟiə
tëy tej
tëyn̄ë tejŋe
tēg tɪɣ
tēnnēr̄ tɪnnɪᶢʟ
tēr̄yē-te tɪᶢʟjɪ-tə
tēt tɪt
tētēnēn tɪtɪnɪn
tētr̄ōg tɪtᶢʟoɣ
tēu tɪʉ
tēur̄ tɪʉᶢʟ
tēur̄i tɪʉᶢʟi
tēur̄ie tɪʉᶢʟiə
tēur̄ise tɪʉᶢʟisə
tēv tɪβ
tēvtēv tɪβtɪβ
tēvyö tɪβjɵ
tēwer̄ie tɪwəᶢʟiə
tegetage təɣətaɣə noun
tegetoge təɣətɔɣə
tego təɣɔ
tegōv təɣoβ
tegtag təɣtaɣ
tegtegagnog təɣtəɣaɣnɔɣ
tegtegagyë təɣtəɣaɣje
tegtegagyë-te təɣtəɣaɣje-tə
tekn̄wa təkŋʷa
tekn̄waëne təkŋʷaenə
tektakēin təktakɪin
tema təma
temar̄ër̄ë təmaᶢʟeᶢʟe
temëg təmeɣ
temët təmet
temok təmɔk
temtomë təmtɔme
temtomegë təmtɔməɣe
tenteno təntənɔ
ten̄war̄e təŋʷaᶢʟə
ten̄wën təŋʷen
ten̄wen təŋʷən
ten̄wog təŋʷɔɣ
teptëpyë-se təptepje-sə
tepye təpjə
teqay təkʷaj noun
grouper: a fish familySerranidae.
Ne teqay in, ne vegevage te n̄wute pene tom “ne peyë”.That grouper is called in our language “ne peyë”.
teqay myë noun
Red grouperk.o. red grouperCephalopholis formosanus.
teqë təkʷe
teqën̄ təkʷeŋ
teqin-kë təkʷin-ke
teqov-vot təkʷɔβ-βɔt
teqö təkʷɵ töqö noun
PNCV*taᵐbʷu-aPOc*taᵐbusacred, taboo
enclosure, restricted space meant to be kept off aliens, esp. non-initiates
teqö toq noun
sacred enclosurethe area, gener. hidden in the bush, where initiation rituals take place
teqtoq təkʷtɔkʷ adverb
Redup. toq
(act) in a pious way, in adequacy with constraints associated with initiation rituals
vën teqtoq verb, intransitive
mango piousenter a period of ritual restrictions on food and sexual relations, during the process of initiation
Sise vën teqtoq, sise veyvoy: sise tat gon ne pēgone; sise tat vën yeqyōq mi tun̄wuyegë. Ike mas yöy teqtoq voy-kön̄ voy-kön̄ voy-kön̄.As [initiates] become pious, they must enter a mode of avoidance. They aren't allowed to eat anything from the sea; and they cannot go around with women. You must live piously like that, every single day.
toge teqtoq verb, intransitive
manstay piousbe in such a period
ter̄ake təᶢʟakə
ter̄etar̄e təᶢʟətaᶢʟə
ter̄og təᶢʟɔɣ
ter̄oge təᶢʟɔɣə
ter̄ogiy təᶢʟɔɣij
ter̄ot təᶢʟɔt
ter̄tor̄ təᶢʟtɔᶢʟ noun
teta təta
tetag tətaɣ
tetavëgë tətaβeɣe
tetot tətɔt
tetoy tətɔj
tetō təto
tetr̄og tətᶢʟɔɣ
tetu tətʉ
teur̄ise təʉᶢʟisə
tevetave təβətaβə
tevetavesir̄ təβətaβəsiᶢʟ
tevo təβɔ
tevog təβɔɣ
tevoyime təβɔjimə
tewaye təwajə
tewer̄ie təwəᶢʟiə
tewetëwe təwətewə
tewot təwɔt
teyetaye təjətajə
teyoq təjɔkʷ
teyö təjɵ
teytoy təjtɔj
tgō tɣo
ti ti
ti-at tiat
ti-gë tiɣe
ti-ke ti-kə
tim tim
timer̄ën timəᶢʟen
tin tin
tine tinə
tinemo-k tinəmɔ-k
tinye tinjə
tin̄ tiŋ
ti-n̄wur̄ō ti-ŋʷuᶢʟo
ti-pēg ti-pɪɣ
tipe tipə
tipeptēye tipəptɪjə
tipeyēt tipəjɪt
ti-qëte ti-kʷetə
tiqin-kë tikʷin-ke
tir̄ tiᶢʟ
ti-r̄ēgye ti-ᶢʟɪɣjə
tir̄ig tiᶢʟiɣ
tir̄iwr̄iw noun
Wandering TattlerHeteroscelus incanus.
tir̄tir̄ tiᶢʟtiᶢʟ
tir̄tir̄ig tiᶢʟtiᶢʟiɣ
ti-se ti-sə
tit tit
tite titə
titom titɔm
tittöm tittɵm
tituw titʉw
tivase tiβasə
ti-vase ti-βasə
ti-vetoy ti-βətɔj
tivig tiβiɣ
tivikqö tiβikkʷɵ
tiviqö tiβikʷɵ
ti-vöye ti-βɵjə
tivtivig tiβtiβiɣ
ti-wnot ti-wnɔt
tiy tij
tiyin̄e tijiŋə
tiyin̄evuv tijiŋəβʉβ
tiyin̄ewōn tijiŋəwon
tiyit tijit
tnēg tnɪɣ
Torba tɔrba
Torës tɔres
tog tɔɣ
toge tɔɣə
togekëse tɔɣəkesə
togetoge tɔɣətɔɣə
togetogekëse tɔɣətɔɣəkesə
togin tɔɣin
tok tɔk
tom tɔm
tome tɔmə
tomn̄wë tɔmŋʷe
tomn̄wëtom tɔmŋʷetɔm
ton tɔn
tone tɔnə
Ton-vot-taqe tɔn-βɔt-takʷə
toq tɔkʷ adjective
POc *taᵐbʷu*taᵐbuunapproachable, off limits
1stgendowed with special status inducing awe and respect: sacred
2hencesacred, holy
Mama te r̄ēne, ne ya në toq.Our father in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
gengon toq noun
holy foodaltar bread, host
ne oye-vë-gengon-toq[the consumption of holy bread] the Eucharist
3placeunapproachable, off limits, typic. due to being haunted by ghosts (temët)
n̄wute toq noun
taboo placelocations on the island known to be haunted by ghosts and spirits (temët), and to which visits are advised against
4topictaboo, not meant to be mentioned in public
Ne voygë pe nëne nëgë toq, tite tat vegevage vitikëyë ie n̄wute pe tuqun̄-kë ve toge ie mi tun̄wuyegë.Subjects like that are a bit taboo: you can't just mention it randomly when kids or women are around.
5s.o.endowed with supernatural powers (cf. mane)
tayö toq noun
sacred persona man endowed with supernatural, magic powers, hence worthy of higher status in the grade-taking system (suqe)
Sise kar̄’ ike r̄ē tuye tom n̄wë tom ike on r̄ōw wr̄og, ike ne tayö toq.ritual pedestal vl:tuyeThey'll shoot arrows at you [as you stand] on the stone pedestal; if you survive, this means you're a magic man.
6s.th., locationof restricted access, due to its association with initiation rituals or grade-taking ceremonies
Tekn̄wa pe sise ve suqe piti, sise tan̄wöy on r̄ak ne temët yö teqö toq.Only those who have gone through initiation are entitled to handle spirits in the sacred enclosure.
vönyö toq noun
sacred landarea in a village that was restricted to initiated men, and forbidden to non-initiates
Ne qor̄ ve toge takē vönyö toq. Takē vönyö toq pe takē n̄wute pe ne gemoy vē ēn eye.Stone mausoleums [for high chiefs] are erected on sacred land. We call ‘sacred land’ the area around the house of initiated men (gemoy).
toqë tɔkʷe
toqe tɔkʷə
toqtoq tɔkʷtɔkʷ
tor̄ tɔᶢʟ
tor̄e tɔᶢʟə
tot tɔt
totot tɔtɔt
tour̄ tɔʉᶢʟ
tow tɔw
towr̄ut tɔwᶢʟʉt
toy tɔj
toygot tɔjɣɔt
töm tɵm
tömtöm tɵmtɵm
töne tɵnə
tönö tɵnɵ
tön̄e tɵŋə
töqö tɵkʷɵ
tör̄ tɵᶢʟ
tör̄ö tɵᶢʟɵ
tör̄öqate tɵᶢʟɵkʷatə
töt tɵt
tötenēn tɵtənɪn
töti tɵti
töt-r̄ër̄ë tɵt-ᶢʟeᶢʟe
töy tɵj
töyö tɵjɵ
tōg toɣ
tōm tom
tōq tokʷ
tōqn̄wōt tokʷŋʷot
tōt tot
tōten̄wër̄e totəŋʷeᶢʟə
tōtmave totmaβə
tōtō toto
tōur̄ toʉᶢʟ
tōur̄i toʉᶢʟi
tōvēyēt toβɪjɪt
tōw tow
tōwr̄og towᶢʟɔɣ
tōwtōw towtow
tōy toj
tōyōq tojokʷ
tr̄an̄e tᶢʟaŋə
tr̄ēg tᶢʟɪɣ
tr̄og tᶢʟɔɣ
tr̄ö tᶢʟɵ
tr̄ön̄wēy tᶢʟɵŋʷɪj
tr̄öt tᶢʟɵt
ttin ttin
ttintin ttintin
ttog ttɔɣ
ttöm ttɵm
tukn̄wa tʉkŋʷa
tukn̄waëne tʉkŋʷaenə
tun̄ tʉŋ
tun̄wuyegë tʉŋʷujəɣe
tun̄wuygë tʉŋʷujɣe
tuqë tʉkʷe
tuqesan̄we tʉkʷəsaŋʷə
tuqetuqesan̄we tʉkʷətʉkʷəsaŋʷə
tuqun tʉkʷun
tuqunkë tʉkʷunke
tuqun̄kë tʉkʷuŋke
tur̄ tʉᶢʟ
tur̄e tʉᶢʟə
tur̄ewōn tʉᶢʟəwon
tur̄og tʉᶢʟɔɣ verb, intransitive
practice spear-fishing in the lagoon
Noke tō tur̄og ti : noke sor̄ ne sön̄we vitöy.I went spear-fishing, and caught three parrotfish.
📘 Generic term for the activity; the specific verb is sor̄ 'spear ‹fish›'.
tur̄ōg tʉᶢʟoɣ
tut tʉt
tu-toq tʉ-tɔkʷ
tutu tʉtʉ
tutun̄we tʉtʉŋʷə
tutva~ tʉtβa-
tuvut tʉβʉt
tuwë tʉwe
tuwe tʉwə
tuwesate tʉwəsatə
tuwetëwe tʉwətewə
tuwtōw tʉwtow
tuwtuwë tʉwtʉwe
tuwutgë tʉwutɣe
tuwuyegë tʉwujəɣe
tuye tʉjə
twog twɔɣ