Mo m̈ar̄e, huri-na prongo peresi-a sui-na.He was dead, with nothing more than his skin on his bones.Il était mort, et n'avait plus que la peau sur les os.
Mo var̄i-a no-no rip̈a, no-no sip̈a, m̈aja, huren-i-a lo aka-na.He took his axe, his knife and his club and put them into his canoe.Il prit sa hache, son couteau, sa massue, et les mit dans sa pirogue.
Mo r̄ai-a asi-na, mo r̄ai-a jam̈a-na, mo r̄ai-a evua-na, laku-na.He cut the ropes (of his canoe), made its outrigger, carved its central yoke and its little pegs.Il fabriqua les liens (de sa pirogue), en fabriqua le balancier, en tailla le joug central, et les petites fourches.
Ranga viha mo lar̄e hase-na.The branch of the tree broke by itself (was not brought about by anyone).La branche de l'arbre s'est cassée toute seule. (ce n'est l'action de personne)
today, esp. past or present (vs. here, today in the future); fig. nowadays
Ale Raki mo pa juha mo sivo lo m̈asav̈a m̈ar̄a-na. Mo r̄oho mo sna kes nahare.And it was after these events that Araki moved out into the ocean. And it has remained there until today.
Mo klav̈as mo les naho-n r̄ap̈ala-na.He raised his eyes and recognised the face of his friend.Il leva les yeux et reconnut le visage de son ami.
Asvohinao, nia mo posi-a naho-na mo m̈a sohe naho-m.Asvohinao (devil) can change his face to look like you.Asvohinao (démon), il sait transformer son visage pour lui donner l'apparence du tien.
naho hojo~noun, relational
front teeth, including canines and incisorsface avant des dentsdents de devant, groupant canines et incisives
Nanov lo nahorani, nam r̄uru mo aloalo.Yesterday morning, I got up when the sun was out.
Mo pa le r̄uru lo nahorani mo je le lesi Raki.When they got up again in the morning, they could not see Araki any more.
naivou~naiβounoun, relational
Ego Mwife
naivou-ku murumy first wifema première femme
naivou-ku par̄ahu / v̈aha-ruamy second wifema seconde femme
Nia mo lolokoru nira-n naivou-na.He is cross at his wife.Il est en colère contre sa femme.
Nira mo jom̈i naivou-ra, m̈ar̄a nira mo v̈a mo r̄olu mo velu r̄o.They are sad because of their wives, who left home with (the men from the other island) dancing.Ils sont tristes à cause de leurs femmes, car elles sont parties avec (les hommes de l'autre île) en dansant.
AnthropologyFor customary laws regarding widows, seeelua~ and r̄oha~. The hierarchy rule for a second husband is: r̄oha~ > r̄asi~ > elua~.
2 – figkava, alcohol+intoxicate, have a strong effect upon ‹s.o.›figkava, alcool+avoir un effet sur, enivrer ‹qqn›
Nam rongo hae mo nak-i-á.I feel the effect of kava [lit. I feel kava is hitting me].Je sens l'effet du kava.
3 – hit ‹s.o.› with the intention of hurting or killing him; strike deadfrapper ‹qqn› dans le but de lui faire mal ou de le tuer ; tuer en frappant
R̄aju nohosu ha pa nak-i-a, ha pa nak-i-a lo vuro vo r̄e hina sohe-na.This man is going to be killed; he'll be killed in a fight or something like that.Cet homme se fera tuer ; il sera tué au cours d'un combat, ou quelque chose de ce genre.
4 – genkill, in any way (e.g. through black magic)géntuer, de n'importe quelle façon
Niko hosun om nak-i-a r̄aju r̄o!So it was you who killed this man!C'est donc toi qui a tué cet homme!
nak r̄aha m̈ar̄everb, transitive
Na pa nak r̄aha m̈ar̄e-ko!I'm going to kill you [I'm going to strike-you-become-dead]Je vais te tuer [je vais frapper-devenir-mort-toi]
namnamsubject prefix
I: First singular Subject personal pronoun, associated to Realis moodje, moi: pronom personnel sujet 1ère p. singulier, associé au mode Realis
Nam avulai vutiana nam tapai-ko.I am really happy to have met you.
Nam je levsei rongo-ko.I can't hear you.Je ne peux pas t'entendre.
O kan kore-i-á! — Nam je kore-i-ko.Don't you lie to me! — I am not lying to you.Ne me mens pas ! — Mais je ne te mens pas.
+Irrealisalthough ifeven if+Irrealissi quoiquemême si
Naprongo vara jo usa, pla-m per̄a jo je levse m̈au.Even if it rains, your taro won't be able to grow properly.Même s'il pleuvait, ton taro ne pourrait pas se développer.
Nko pa je lahi jo je r̄e nar̄u-m.You will not marry nor will you have any children.Tu ne te marieras pas et n'auras point d'enfant.
Ran mo hese, r̄aju nanar̄u-ra mo r̄oho r̄o lo ima.One day, the people had left their children at home.Un jour, les gens avaient laissé leurs enfants à la maison.
the big islandthe island of Espiritu Santo, the largest island in the regionle grand paysl'île d'Espiritu Santo, la plus grande île de la région
Mo velu, rai nohosu mo r̄oho r̄o Naur̄a-Lap̈a mo rongo leo-ro r̄o.They dance, and the people of Santo hear their voices.Ils dansent, et ceux qui habitent Santo entendent leur voix.
mara Naur̄a-Lap̈athe people of Santoles habitants de Santo
📙 Synonyme de "continent" pour les insulaires d'Araki.
📘 Corresponds to the "mainland" for Araki islanders.
first degree demonstrative
1 – adverbhere
P̈ir̄a nohosu nam varai-ko r̄o inia mo r̄oho r̄o ne.The woman I talked to you about is here.Le femme dont je te parlais est ici.
Lo ran mo hese, Pasta Sope mo sna ne Raki.One day, Pastor Sope came here in Araki.
Nene m̈ar̄a vahuren-i-a jolong botel.This is used for taking corks out of bottles.Ceci, c'est pour enlever les bouchons de bouteilles.
Nohosu jo olom̈a, nene jo olom̈a, nene jo olom̈a!(to children) Let that one bow his head, let this one bow his head!
preposition, verb-like
preposition marking an oblique relation: at, to, towards+à, pour ; préposition introduisant certains compléments indirects
Mo var̄i-a ra-holo mo plan-i-a kaur̄a hinia.(after storing breadfruit) They take coconut palms and throw them over it.(après avoir déposé le fruit-à-pain) on prend des palmes de cocotiers et on les jette dessus.
Nam varai-ko r̄o ini-a.I have told you about her.
(hi)n-r̄e ranione day...
Mo var̄i-a mo r̄ai-a aka ni-a.He took (the taro stem) and carved a canoe out of it.Il prit donc (la tige de taro) et s'y tailla une pirogue.
M̈ar̄a r̄ungana hosu mo lesles te ni-ra.Since that time, they have been hating each other. [lit. looking bad at them]Et depuis ce temps-là, ils se considèrent comme des ennemis
construct suffix: always followed by a noun phrase referring to possessorsuffixe génitival, annonçant un Synt.agme nominal référant au possesseur, quel qu'en soit le nombre (sg/pl). Ce possesseur doit être animé: humain ou animal
kam̈am povi rai vunguvungu-ni Moliall of us, Moli's familynous tous, la famille de Moli
Paua no-n NgorGod's power
Mara hetehete mo sohe-n r̄ar̄na-na.The child looks like his mother.Le petit ressemble à sa mère.
Aka ri mo jolo, aka-n hariv.The boat sank, Mr Rat's boat.
sorosoro m̈ar̄a-n Raki hosuthis story about Araki...cette histoire au sujet d'Araki...
Kesi hariv nira-n huir̄a mo rua meresai.Today the rat and the octopus are enemies.
📘 The possessor is normally human (or a personified animal), or a place name.
you: Second singular independent pronountu, toi: pronom personnel indépendant, 2ème p. singulier
Nko r̄ap̈alam̈am.You are our friend.
Inko hosu nanov om litovi-á?So it was you who offended me yesterday?C'est donc toi qui m'a outragé hier?
Niko mo je r̄e monohi-m!You have no brain! (you are silly)Tu n'as pas de tête ! tu es bête !
Vi-p̈aka mo re nko pa moli, niko pa r̄aju lap̈a.The banyan means that you will become a chief, an important person.Le banian est signe que tu seras chef, que tu seras un homme important.
general Possessive classifier for inalienable possessionClassificateur Possessif général
no-ku rurumy clothes
no-m lahiyour wedding
no-no tahis father
Paua no-n NgorGod's power
Mo var̄i-a no-no rip̈a, no-no sip̈a, m̈aja, huren-i-a lo aka-na.He took his axe, his knife and his club and put them into his pirogue.Il prit sa hache, son couteau, sa massue, et les mit dans sa pirogue.
prefix found on demonstratives:, no-hosu, and probably ne-ne.
No-hosu jo olom̈a, ne-ne jo olom̈a, ne-ne jo olom̈a!Let that one bow his head, let this one bow his head!
📘 Its effect seems to make it compatible with the NP-head position (similar to Eng. 'one' in 'this one'), although it appears in other positions too.
-no3nopossessive suffix
his, her: allomorph of the pers. suffix -na following a vowel /o/sa, son: allomorphe du suffixe possessif -na après une voyelle /o/
1 – one day, in the future (vs. lo ran mo hese "one day, in the past")
Nr̄e ran jo pa v̈anov̈ano, jo lesi-a se jo pa v̈anov̈ano vila.One day we'll have a race, and we'll see who's the faster!Un jour, nous ferons la course, et nous verrons bien qui avance (le plus) vite !
2 – from time to time, sometimescertains joursquelquefois, parfois
Mo lesi-a p̈ilo-ni huir̄a nr̄e ran.From time to time he caught sight of the octopus's head.De temps en temps, il apercevait le crâne de la pieuvre.
3 – +Negation(not) ever, never+Négationpas un seul jour, jamais
Mo v̈e lesi-a mo re ha nak-i-a ha je levsei nak-i-a nr̄e ran.They try and kill him, but they never succeed.Ils essayent de le tuer, mais ils n'y parviennent jamais.
antonymran taretoujoursalways
nununununoun, relational
PNCV*nunu-ashadow, image, soulPOc*nunu
1 – silhouette, shadow (of s.o); reflection (in water)silhouette, ombre (de qqn); reflet (dans l'eau)
Nam lesi-a nunu-m.I can see your shadow.Je vois ton ombre.
Kam soro meje lap̈a m̈ar̄a nunu om var̄i-a.We thank you very much for taking this photo.Nous te disons un grand merci pour cette photo que tu as prise.
verb, intransitive
dive, jump in the waterplonger, sauter dans l'eau
Mo sivo mo nur lo r̄asi, mo sivo mo var̄i-a pallaje.He ran down the slope and dived into the sea, looking for coral.Il dévala la pente et plongea dans la mer, où il alla chercher du corail.
foll. by a numeralten times, tens. Forms all multiples of ten in counting, except for "ten" sa-ngavulu
r̄aju mo ‹sa-ngavulu›ten people
r̄aju mo ‹sa-ngavulu› jomana mo ruatwelve (10+2) people
r̄aju mo ‹ngavul rua›twenty (10×2) people
r̄aju mo ‹ngavul r̄olu› mo hesethirty-one (10×3 + 1) people
r̄aju mo ‹ngavul sa-ngavulu› mo sa-ngavulua hundred and ten (10×10 + 10) people
ngingisaŋiŋisaverb, intransitive
grin, smilesourire, montrer les dents
Kam̈im po ha ngingisa, ha ngingisa na lesi hojo-m̈im.Smile everybody, so that I see your teeth.Vous tous, faites un grand sourire, afin que je voie vos dents.
Jo re jo v̈a m̈ar̄a-n r̄e jara, o pa kaka (a)ngisa?If we left from the same spot, when will you arrive (the other side)?En supposant que nous partirions d'un même point, quand arriveras-tu (de l'autre côté)?
ngoleŋolenoun, relational
ngole-kumy gums
ngoringoriŋoɾiŋoɾinoun, relational
PNCV*ŋoriedge, upper lip
upper lip, place between nose and upper lipintervalle entre lèvre et nez ; moustache
ngoringori-kumy upper lip
ngoroŋoɾoverb, intransitive
PNCV, POc*ŋorasnore, grunt, breathe
sleep, be asleep
Kam̈am r̄apuro r̄olu kam̈a sivo ngoro.The three of us are going to sleep.Nous trois, nous allons nous coucher.
Nam r̄e ngoro mo iso.I have slept already.
Nanovi nam ngoro lo ep̈a nene.Yesterday I slept on this mat.Hier j'ai dormi sur cette natte.